SAMUEL FRENCH has licensed and PUBLISHED, Aliens With Extraordinary Skills
Saviana Stanescu’s “barbarian” heroines are not victims; they are strong, rebellious, and resilient women, who struggle to fulfill their potential despite inauspicious historical, geographical, and socio-economic circumstances.
THE NEW YORK PLAYS (Waxing West, Lenin's Shoe, Aliens With Extraordinary Skills) got published by NoPassport Press.
Published by Samuel French.
Samuel French OOB Festival Winners (White Embers included)
WAXING WEST (Winner of the 2007 Innovative Theatre Award for Outstanding full-length Script) has been published by UNITED STAGES You can buy it at
Global Foreigners: An Anthology of Plays (Enactments) by Saviana Stanescu and Carol Martin
Saviana's AUROLAC BLUES in Plays and Playwrights 2006 - published by New York Theatre Experience
Saviana's AUROLAC BLUES in The Best 10-Minute Plays for Two Actors 2006 (English) published by Smith & Kraus Pub Inc
roMANIA after 2000 - five new Romanian plays anthology by Saviana Stanescu and Daniel Gerould
AUROLAC BLUES and other SHORT PLAYS (in Romanian)
GOOGLE ME! - poetry
The Playwrights' Center Monologues for Women Edited by Kristen Gandrow, Polly K. Carl (Saviana has two monologues from Waxing West and Lenin's Shoe)
Saviana' s text Eurotic I in Alter Ego: Twenty Confronting Views on the European Experience